Apple Pie - Twd.28 (Tweed)

Twd.28 Apple Pie is a sativa-dominant strain. Its buds are complemented by an orange hue and a complex aroma. Some associate sweet, woody or fruity flavours with the Twd.28 Apple Pie strain.

Type: Sativa Dominant
THC: 18%
CBD: <1%
Terpenes: Alpha-Pinene, Beta-Caryophyllene, Limonene, and Myrcene.
Trichome: The Apple Pie displays very good trichome expression with most heads intact. The colour of the trichome heads is overwhelmingly translucent, with very few amber-coloured ones dotted in between.
Ash Colour: The ash colour is mostly light grey/white, with smaller spots of dark grey. The profile of the ash colour is better than most strains we’ve reviewed so far, indicating that this batch of the Apple Pie has been flushed and cured well.
Effects: Focused, Relaxed, Happy.
Region: Smith's Falls, Ontario
Grow Method: Indoor with HID lighting.


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